


Cartoonist Pena Pai

Julian PENA-PAI have been receiving countless rewards since 1983 in humor contests all around the world, and has worked in several daily newspapers in Romania, as an illustrator. Nowadays, as member of the International Cartoon Experts Committee, PENA-PAI is considered an artist with trained eye to find similarities in cartoons, and also a great researcher of contests results and publications.
Cartoonist Raim / Iran

Rahim Baggale Asgari - Born in Tabriz in 1974 Has got a bachelor's degree in educational management Started his professional career as a cartoonist in 1991, and has worked forsome journals such as "Kayhan Caricature", "Golagha”, “Tanz-o-Caricature”,“Shams-e-Tabrizi”, “Fajr”, “Ahrar”, “Kar-o-Niro”, “Saheb”, "Joovaldooz",etc. The representor of FECO in Iran
Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson, whose real name is Brian Hugh Warner, was born on January 5, 1969 in Canton, Ohio to the parents of Hugh and Barb Warner. During his childhood, one of his neighbors molested him several times until the young Brian broke down one day and told his mother what happened. As an only child, he would often get into mischievous activities such as adventure through his grandfather Jack Warner's sex toys, shoot his BB gun with his cousin Chad, and create sex magazines to sell to his classmates. His parents raised him as an Episcopalian, and he attended the religious private Heritage Christian School. It was there that he became fueled with hate towards Christanity. During his tenth grade year, he convinced his parents to let him attend a public school.After he graduated from high school, he and his parents moved to Fort Lauderdale, Florida because his father got a better job there. He studied journalism and theater at the local community college called Broward, and being some place new and feeling lonely, he wrote poems and short stories. After being fired from his last job at a record store, he became entertainment journalist for a local magazine. He interviewed several famous musicians including Trent Reznor from the band "Nine Inch Nails". Along with his job and writing, he would also frequently go to rock clubs. He soon decided to create his own band. With musical influences from Ozzy Osbourne and KISS, he recruited other musicians with the same interests and started the band called "Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids". He got the name Marilyn Manson as a combination from the names of the movie star Marilyn Monroe and the psycho killer Charles Manson. The band's name would later officially change to just Mariyn Manson, and most of the original band members would leave and be replaced, too. Manson reunited with Trent Reznor and had his band tour with "Nine Inch Nails". Reznor would also produce Marilyn Manson's first three albums (Portriat of an American Family, AntiChrist Superstar, and Mechanical Animals) and an E.P. (Smells like Children). "Mechanical Animals" is Marilyn Manson's most successful album to date.With the success, Manson became a controversial celebrity, because the anti-Christian message in his songs, and Satanist 'Anton Szandor LaVey' deemed Manson a Reverend for the Church of Satan. Also with fame, Manson started to mingle with other celebrities, and began a romantic relationship with the actress Rose McGowan. They became engaged, but broke off the relationship in 2001. He then fell in love with the burlesque dancer Dita Von Teese, and soon became engaged. They had a fairytale, non-denominational wedding in a castle in Ireland. Meanwhile, Manson came out with two more albums (Holy Wood, and the Golden Age of Grotesque), and a best of album (Lest We Forget: The Best Of...). He also dabbled into acting by being in such movies as Jawbreaker (1999), Party Monster (1998) and The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things (2004). He continues to make music and act in movies.
Benazir Bhutto

Benazir Bhutto Biography
Benazir Bhutto (born 1953) became the first woman head of government in the Muslim world when she was elected prime minister of Pakistan in 1988, only to be deposed in a coup 20 months later. She was re-elected in 1993 but was dismissed three years later amid various corruption scandals. Some of these scandals involve contracts awarded to Swiss companies during her regime and remain unresolved. Her husband has been implicated, as well. The daughter of former Pakistani premier, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto was educated in the west, notably at Harvard University, and Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. She temporarily left Harvard for New York City in 1971, when India sent troops into East Pakistan -- soon to be called Bangladesh -- and her father, as West Pakistan's foreign minister, traveled to the United Nations to resolve the issue. Benazir Bhutto joined her father in New York City and acted as a kind of assistant to him. This seems to have been a formative experience for her, in that watching her father in action brought her out of the academy and showed her the ways of power politics. Her remaining years in the United States included active participation in various social causes. During her time at Oxford, she was president of the Oxford Union, after the election had to be re-run because she accused her rival of illegal canvassing. Her entire undergraduate career was fuelled by controversy, coming in the middle of a period when her father's administration was being challenged both at home and abroad. After graduating, she returned to Pakistan, but, in the course of her father's imprisonment and execution, she was placed under house arrest. Having been allowed, in 1984, to go back to the UK, she was leader in exile of her father's party, but was unable to make her political presence felt in Pakistan until the death of General Zia ul-Haq. Then in the first open election in more than a decade, voters in Pakistan chose populist candidate Benazir Bhutto on November 16, 1988 to be Prime Minister. Bhutto was sworn-in on that December 2 becoming the first woman to head the government of an Islam-dominated state Bhutto has lived in self-imposed exile since 1999 when she left Pakistan to avoid arrest in a corruption case. While she still heads the Pakistan People's Party and says she wants to return to office, a vast majority of people in Pakistan are convinced that both her husband and her were extremely corrupt. It therefore is not surprising to note that her husband, Asif Ali Zardari, is serving a seven-year prison term in Pakistan on charges of taking kickbacks. It is believed they stole hundreds of millions of dollars through demanding 'commissions' on all types of government contracts and other dealings. It was during Bhutto's rule that the repressive Taliban gained prominence in Afghanistan with the financial assistance of her government. The Taliban took power in Kabul in September 1996, and Bhutto's government became one out of only thre nations to recognize it. Pakistan remained a key supporter of the regime until the September 11 attacks in the United States. In 2002 Pakistan's current military president, Pervez Musharaf introduced a new amendment to Pakistan's constitution, banning Prime Ministers from serving more than two terms. This disqualifies Bhutto from ever holding the office again, and some said it was largely implemented due to the President's own fear of maintaining his power once democracy returned to the country. Bhutto currently lives in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where she cares for her children and mother, who is suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
Oscar Niemeyer

Rabbi Henry Sobel

Santos Dumont


Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz was born on August 13, 1926 (although some say he was born a year later), near Birán in Cuba's eastern Oriente province. His father, Angel, was a wealthy landowner originally from Spain. His mother, Lina, had been a maid to Angel's first wife.One of five children, Castro was educated in Jesuit schools. He grew up in wealthy circumstances amid poverty. A peasant rebellion in Oriente during Castro's formative years is thought to have influenced his political leanings. Castro offered free legal services to the poor after earning a law degree from the University of Havana.In 1952, at the age of 25, Castro ran for the Cuban parliament. But just before the election, the government was overthrown by Fulgencio Batista, who established a dictatorship.Castro was one of about 150 fighters who attempted to overthrow Batista in 1953. An attack on a military barracks landed Castro in prison, but made him famous throughout Cuba.Castro was released in 1955 under an amnesty. He went to Mexico and spent time in the United States, working with his brother Raul and Argentine revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara to prepare for second attempt to overthrow Batista. Castro returned to Cuba on December 2, 1956, by boat with a band of 81 insurgents. Most of were killed. The survivors, including the Castros and Guevara, fled into the Sierra Maestra Mountains along the southeastern coast. There, they mounted a full-scale attack in 1958, forcing Batista to flee the country in January 1959. Castro became prime minister. The United States quickly recognized the new Cuban government, but tensions arose when Fidel Castro, as prime minister, set about far-reaching reforms. He nationalized factories and plantations, ending U.S. economic dominance of the island. He also began to establish closer ties with the Soviet Union.
Hugo Chávez

Hugo Chavez Frias was born in Sabaneta, Barinas State on July 28th, 1954. He has a mulatto background which gives him a common link to the 67% majority of Venezuelans. After he finished high school, he would have to travel to Caracas to continue his education. Chavez attended Venezuela’s Military Academy, where he graduated with a degree in Military Sciences and Arts on July 5, 1975. Having both parents as teachers its easy to see why he is an intellectual person, and why they weren't wealthy. Apparently his family also sold bananas and sowed corn for income. Chavez’ love for baseball is also easy to see. When he was a kid he played baseball like all children in Venezuela, and apparently he was a good pitcher. It was the desire to become a major league pitcher that initially led him into the military. After gaining his degree and his hopes of being a major leaguer gone, he continued on with his military career. During that time, he had various assignments, an armored unit, anti-guerilla duty along the Colombian border, and then as a military ethics instructor. Soon after that he began sowing the seeds for a coup in 1992.
In 1982 he founded the Bolivarian Revolutionary Movement. Through 1989-1990, he studied Political Science at Simon Bolivar University in Caracas. “He led an unsuccessful military coup against President Carlos Andres Perez on February 4th, 1992, that launched him onto the political scene and, at the same time, earned him two short years in what he refers to as the ‘prison of dignity’" (gosouthamerica.about.com). In a display of support, “While Chavez was in prison, he videotaped a call for insurrection that was broadcasted at around four in the morning on November 27th, 1992, when a second unsuccessful coup d’etat was attempted” (gosouthamerica.about.com). Two years later, he was pardoned by President Caldera.
Once Chavez was released from his conviction, he started to organize a political party called the Fifth Republic Movement (MVR), which would lead him to power four years later. “In November, 1998, a coalition of small leftist parties led by the MVR and under the umbrella of the Patriotic Pole won 34% of the seats in the National Congress and presented Chavez as its presidential candidate. After campaigning as ‘the scourge of the oligarchy and the champion of the poor’, Chavez came out victorious from the 1998 Presidential Elections with 56% of the votesthe largest majority in four decades (gosouthamerica.about.com).
Chavez’ speeches and actions are extreme to the right wing political parties of Venezuela and the United States, causing skepticism about his policies. The following description of Chavez is not how most politicians would like to be viewed, "A populist leader backed by leftist parties, Chavez has advocated a ‘third way’ between communism and capitalism", wrote Patrick Moser for the Agence France Presse. Since being elected, Chavez’ stile and personality have been very apparent. He has even managed to extend his love for baseball into politics. Chavez and Fedel Castro have played two baseball games, one when Chavez went to Cuba, another when Castro came to Caracas, with Cuba winning both games. Chavez pitched in both games for a few innings, while Castro, when he was in Venezuela took a turn at the plate. “To accelerate cooperation in Latin America, he visited Cuba, which has an antagonistic relationship with the United States, and he has a cordial personal relationship with Fidel Castro” (bjreview.com). Chavez’ relationship with Castro has been discouraged by the U.S. Chavez was also the first dignitary in ten years to visit Saddam Hussein in Iraq. These are the types of policies that have made him stand out.
Chavez is very much a peoples man; he has a weekly radio show that is called “Hello President”, and television show dubbed “Face to Face with the President, as well as a paper. Through each one he talks to the people, giving his opinions and the agenda for the Government, he also takes phone calls during the radio show to hear peoples problems and responds to letters. “Chavez also likes to spice his often lengthy and unusual speeches with quotes from the Bible, French poets, military overtones and repeated references to Simon Bolivar” (www.bjreview.com). Chavez also displays a very hands on approach to his presidency. On several occasions he has been out in the poor communities giving land deeds to people for newly allotted land, inspecting the work of the military, and talking to the common men and women of Venezuela. In his personal life he is married and has five children. His wife works as a public official also; she was elected in 2000. He also enjoys going home, where his father is currently the mayor of the town.
Chico Mendes

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Quem sou eu
- Cartunista Leite
- Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil
- Marcio Leite is Brazilian, 31 years old, a cartoonist, journalist and publisher. He lives in Montes Claros – Minas Gerais. Vice President of the Association Mineira of cartoonist (CARTUMINAS)and Director of the site brazilcartoon. www.brazilcartoon.com